The Holy Trinity Abbey


This abbey was once the country’s only Trinitarian abbey, founded in 1230. Outside of its religious purposes, the monks worked to liberate Christian captives during the Crusades. The abbey was commonly referred to as the White Monastery due to the white habit worn by the monks.

After its suppression during the Reformation, the abbey fell into ruin and today, the remains comprise tower, nave and part of the church’s choir. In 1811, the Earl of Dunraven converted the remains into the present-day Catholic parish church.

The Abbey was destroyed during the suppression of Henry VIII and was restored in the last century by the Earl of Dunraven. Today it is the Roman Catholic Parish church in the centre of the Village.

View the video here which was produced for Adare Tidy Towns by Corbett Photography and

THE 2027 RYDER CUP - Adare, Co. Limerick

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