Adare Post Office

adare post office 2024

The Post Office provides the following services:
Letter and parcel services;  An Post Money products including Current Account, Loans, Credit Cards and Foreign Exchange; Everyday banking for AIB and Bank of Ireland customers; LEAP card sales & top-ups; State Savings, TV Licences; Bill payments; National Lottery and One4all giftcards. The friendly staff at Adare Post Office will help with all your enquiries. Other services include Passport applications and renewals; Dog Licences and Garda/Court fine payments.

Opening hours: Monday to Friday 9am to 5.30pm (closed for lunch 1pm to 2pm) and Saturday 9am to 1pm. Tel: 061 396120.


THE 2027 RYDER CUP - Adare, Co. Limerick

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