'For the first time in history, the mayor of Limerick is mayor of the people'

The words of Limerick city and county’s first executive mayor, John Moran after he was inaugurated into the historic role this Friday.

The oldest building in Limerick, St Mary’s Cathedral, which traces its history back to the 1100s, was the venue for an event which saw Mayor John Moran handed his chain of office and officially declared the first citizen.

Earlier this month, he became the first person in Ireland to be elected as a mayor.

The new mayor was dressed in the ancient red ceremonial robes of Limerick and led by a piper from the City Pipe Band into the cathedral where 200 invited guests awaited.

He walked up the aisle to the strains of Limerick, You’re a Lady, following which he sat beside partner Damien Duggan and proud mum Bridie.

The ceremony saw council official Caroline Curley, who was the returning officer in the mayoral election formally proclaim Mr Moran as mayor.

It was then left to the outgoing first citizen, Gerald Mitchell to formally hand the chain of office to the new mayor.

Mr Moran, a former secretary general, and Wall Street lawyer, becomes the 829th holder of the historic office.

The new Mayor of Limerick spoke of a “new energy and a new confidence in the air” since the election.

“On June 7, in ways that pleased me so much personally, Limerick not only voted for change, it also united as one Limerick. With a resounding message to a world which is too often drawn to division, Limerick declared it sees its own strength in its diversity. Let those who try to sow division in our society hear that message clearly. Limerick voted for a vision of one Limerick and a Limerick which will include everyone, rural and urban as well as new and old communities right across the entire county,” he said.

John Moran formally inaugurated into historic role

From the Limerick Leader.